Monthly Archives: December 2013

A Smart Board from Any Computer – FAST!

Today I ran across a new website that allows for anyone to quickly create a white board, without signing into the site!

It allows for real-time collaboration for students or teachers. It can provide multiple ways and forms of communication, and FAST!

When you log-in to stoodle, you will be able to get started, immediately. When you have created your interactive white board environment, you will then be able to save it by download, or to save it via a social media type. As soon as you have created your whiteboard, it will immediately have a URL that you can then invite others to in order to create an interactive environment.

This would be a great place for… groups to quickly brain-storm ideas for a project at, a project with other classes to create a space to share, a place for students to post questions, links, videos, to review a topic, and many other things could be done with this collaborative resource!

Go check it out:

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Filed under web 2.0

Clipular – An awesome screen capture Chrome Extension

Looking for a way to have your students do easy screen captures or for you to capture pieces of pages? Download the Chrome Extension Clipular. It saves all of your clips and allows you to quickly drag and drop them into your documents, presentations, etc.clip

Check it out, there are tons of screen capture programs out there and I find this one to be one of the best to use. I also have found, as I traveled into many classrooms that teachers don’t know how to do a screen capture, nor do students. It is an extension that is worth learning and possibly showing to your students, big time saver!

2-minute YouTube tutorial:

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Adding Voice Comments to your Google Docs

Looking to give students feedback by recording your thoughts rather than typing them all into your students’ documents? Check out the voice comments app, Kaizena. Casino means “continuous improvement” in Japan, and is one of the philosophies that this company has taken on improving feedback techniques for education. It really allows you to give your students meaningful feedback and allows them to hear your tone and response. In-turn, they can also respond via comments and record their opinions or justifications on their papers. Also, can give students the option to give each other feedback in an online course or without seeing students face-to-face.

To download the Kaizena app:

To watch a youtube clip on how Kaizena works:

For a review:  EDShelf Review:

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Filed under Google Doc